Friday, July 31, 2020

Jul 2020 Portfolio

Not a good month for Jul as there was no dividend at all and while we watched the US market hitting ATH, our STI is still quite at the bottom range and didnt make any much recovery at all.

PeriodSTIMy Portfolio (Realised)Verdict
Jan 2020-3.46%7.18% I win
Feb 2020-5.78%3.23% I win
Mar 2020-25.15%-15.38% I win
Apr 2020-20.63%-6.57% I win
May 2020-23.10%-9.99% I win
Jun 2020-19.88%-8.28% I win
Jul 2020-21.99%-11.65% I win

Total 25 stocks in portfolio

This month got some dividends from quite a few companies.

Checkout my Dividend history

Dividend Stock Tracker
I keep track of good SGX dividend stocks such as 10 years consistent SGX dividend stocks, REITs, Business Trusts, etc with real time information update. Checkout the link below:
Checkout my Dividend Tracker