Saturday, June 29, 2019

Jun 2019 Portfolio

I was always keeping an lookout for any selldown of stocks. In this case, I reckoned that First Reit was stabilizing at this $1.00 round number mark for quite some time. So i took this opportunity to nibble some as I always wanted to add this healthcare reit into my portfolio. Let's hope it would recover from all those bad press and speculation.

PeriodSTIMy Portfolio (Realised)Verdict
Jan 2019-2.41%0.30% I win
Feb 2019-2.2%0.66% I win
Mar 2019-3.16%2.00% I win
Apr 20192.86%5.81% I win
May 2019-3.77%2.84% I win
Jun 20191.36%7.53% I win

Total 25 stocks in portfolio

This month got some dividends from quite a few companies.

Checkout my Dividend history

Dividend Stock Tracker
I keep track of good SGX dividend stocks such as 10 years consistent SGX dividend stocks, REITs, Business Trusts, etc with real time information update. Checkout the link below:
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