Monday, September 14, 2015

GE2015 How We Can Apply To Portfolio Management

Finally, Singapore decides who they want to lead them for the next five years. The past 2 weeks are dramatic with rallies by opposition parties and ruling party. I managed to attend a rally by WP and PAP and looking at the large turnout of the WP rally. It is scary. The crowd is like going to a soccer match with many people from different generation and background. Especially the WP rally, you can hear people cheering and shouting. It can be very entertaining when the WP speaker talk about the people's usual problem such as CPF, jobs taken up by foreigners, etc.

Chee Soon Juan from SDP also improved alot this GE2015, he's not so aggressive and more reasonable. No shouting at Mr Goh like during the last election. He also played the empathy card by telling people about his humble life via social media. He also showcased his family, especially his daughters in the politics during his rally speeches. Something I feel he should not involve them.

For a moment, I thought PAP would have a hard time defending their grounds.

When the result is out, I was kinda relieved. I know that some of my friends want some opposition party to be in the Parliament not because they are good but they just want them to be in so that they will watch over PAP. This is a very scary thought. What happens if majority thinks like that and start voting for opposition not based on merits but purely this reason? What will happen to Singapore? Are the opposition party ready to be the ruling party and lead Singapore?

I am relieved that despite all the ra-ra from opposition parties, majority of Singaporeans still choose PAP as it is stable and reliable, a proven working ruling party, status quo.

I think it apply to our portfolio management too. We need it to be a stable and reliable cruise ship sailing towards our destination. Our portfolio should not be exciting and entertaining with high beta stocks making high swings in the the price. We need it to be a stable business and consistently gives dividends.

So choose wisely how you want to build up your stock portfolio.

Do you want it to be exciting like gambling ? or stable like a business?


  1. Imagine WP Chairman becoming Finance Minister. LOL!

    1. not everyone can manage finance
      maybe should get one of our star financial blogger as advisor :)

  2. the ruling party PAP has been there so many years recruiting all the scholars under its umbrella for them to cherry pick when they are ready. opp parties have to pick up the rejected or leftover, so not much talents to speak off.

    also joining PAP is a safer and sensible choice because they are the ruling party and chances of you getting elected as MPs and prospering are higher. i used the word 'prospering' is a hard fact. pls dont tell me they only want to serve the people and country. they joined the politics because they also want power and prestige and of course remuneration :)

  3. who can control mr market?
    even china pumping of billion of yuan cannot help but watch their stock market drop

    etf got expense ratio, not free 1
    need to pay them to manage the fund for you

    want to do something best? do it yourself
